Archive for the Needlestick Statistics Category

Life after a ban

Friday, August 9th, 2013 | Permalink

In 2007, San Francisco said goodbye to polystyrene foam foodservice packaging and never looked back.  That year, an ordinance went into effect that prohibited the use of EPS foam in foodservice establishments. The city specified that the alternative material must be compostable or recyclable.  However, when the city issued the ordinance, it said that any restaurant could apply for waiver if the ban created any type of economic hardship. Out of the 4500 food establishments that were affected by the ban, only two asked for the waiver. Tagging Options Domain:  All Sites Issue Date:  PT – August 2013 Keywords:  plastics bans composting bioplastics mushroom packaging Ecovative EcoCycle read more

See the article here:
Life after a ban