Archive for the Syringes Category

Researchers develop nanopropellers that swim through body to deliver medical treatments

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014 | Permalink

In Fantastic Voyage , a cheesy science fiction movie from the 1960s, a submarine and crew are miniaturized and injected into a person’s blood stream to remove a brain clot. While researchers have yet to develop the shrink ray, one group of scientists has created a tiny propeller, not unlike the device that propels submarines, except that it is 100 times smaller than a human blood cell. Measuring 70 nm in diameter and 400 nm long, the nanopropeller could move through the human body, and even inside cells, to perform medical procedures and deliver drugs. Tagging Options Domain:  All Sites Keywords:  medical Polymers read more

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Researchers develop nanopropellers that swim through body to deliver medical treatments