Medical-grade PEEK tubing engineered to exhibit fluoropolymer-like lubricity

February 12th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

Blending strength and lubricity is kind of a Holy Grail to medical device manufacturers, says scientist Irina Roof, PhD, who was holding court at the Zeus booth at MD+M West. She is understandably thrilled to announce that Zeus, a specialist in polymer tubing and material science, has engineered a medical-grade PEEK that achieves a significant reduction in coefficient of friction. A press release distributed at the show states that an independent study confirmed a 14 percent decrease, but a more recent test pegs the increase in lubricity at a whopping 50%, says Roof. Tagging Options Domain:  All Sites Keywords:  medical Polymers read more

Medical-grade PEEK tubing engineered to exhibit fluoropolymer-like lubricity