Posts Tagged medical

Excise Tax on Medical Devices Should Not Be Repealed — Center …

Monday, March 11th, 2013 | Permalink

Bills introduced in the House (H.R. 523) and Senate (S. 232) would repeal the 2.3-percent excise tax on medical devices that policymakers enacted in 2010 to help pay for health reform. …. Device Industry, Advanced Medical Technology Association, September 2011, http ://www.advamed. org /NR/rdonlyres/27ADDF3E-292D-4DFC-B4ED-B01E93E6D5AD/0/090711EmploymentEffectofTaxonMedicalDeviceIndustryFINAL.pdf. … Sign Up for E-Mail Alerts. Go. RSS Feeds …

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Excise Tax on Medical Devices Should Not Be Repealed — Center …