Archive for the Syringes Category

K 2013: Wacker introduces world’s first precision silicone films

Thursday, October 17th, 2013 | Permalink

Düsseldorf — Wacker, the Munich-based chemicals group, showed off its newly developed Elastosil silicone film, made entirely from silicone elastomers and available as roll stock in thicknesses down to 20 microns, with an accuracy of 5%. As Andreas Köllnberger, manager global product development engineering silicones at Wacker, noted: “It’s a completely new dosage form for silicone. Normally, it’s press molded or injection molded. The new film is formed via a patent-registered production process that provides these extremely uniform thicknesses.” Tagging Options Domain:  All Sites read more

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K 2013: Wacker introduces world’s first precision silicone films